Balmesvet hospital veterinario

Traumatology & Orthopedics

Balmesvet veterinaris is a leading centre for traumatology in the province of Barcelona.

Traumatology and orthopaedics are the specialities that treat musculoskeletal diseases and alterations in dogs and cats.

We offer the following services:

  • Fracture repair by surgery with the placement of osteosynthesis plates and screws, intramedullary nails, or external fixators.
  • Ligament injuries diagnosis and treatment.
  • We perform the most innovative techniques for the treatment of the anterior cruciate ligament such as TTA (Tibial Tuberosity Advancement), TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy)
  • Wedge Ostectomy or TWO (Tibial Wedge Ostectomy).
  • Patella Dislocation Treatment
  • Growth diseases diagnosis and treatment
  • Coronoid process fragmentation, abnormal union of the anconeal process, osteochondritis dissecans (OCD), hip and elbow dysplasia.
  • X-ray examination of hip and elbow dysplasia in predisposed breeds.
  • Arthrosocopy for diagnosis and resolution of pathologies with minimal intervention.
  • Muscle and tendon ultrasound
  • Advice and management of growing animals.
  • Diagnosis by means of advanced imaging tests: arthroscopy and CT (Computed Tomography).