Veterinaria Barcelona

Anaesthesia and pain management

The Balmesvet Anaesthesia Service attends to all those patients who:

  • Must undergo surgery (general, regional, local or epidural anaesthesia).
  • Need sedation or anaesthesia for diagnostic procedures: endoscopy, myelography, CT (computerised tomography), obtaining samples for cytology/biopsy or CT-guided cytology
  • Critical patients admitted to the ICU.
  • Oncology patients and all those with pathologies requiring pain control.

The Balmesvet team complies with the highest international quality standards for pre-anaesthesia, anaesthesia, post-anaesthesia and monitoring. The aim is to provide a safe, pleasant, stress-free and pain-free anaesthesia.

The pre-anaesthetic assessment includes a detailed patient history that considers all elements (medical history, age, race, temperament), a complete physical examination and pre-anaesthetic tests (blood pressure, blood work, imaging tests, echocardiography,electrocardiogram, etc.). This preliminary assessment allows the anaesthesia team to decide the most appropriate and safest anaesthetic protocol for the patient, as well as the procedure to be performed.

The patient is monitored with the most sophisticated equipment: continuous electrocardiogram, oxygenation study, gas exchange and non-invasive and invasive blood pressure.